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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HombreLobo at Getxoblog

A few posts back I said how much a friend’s father, and my friend also, are helping with this blog. I also mentioned Agirregabiria is the president of a local blogger association called Getxoblog

This weekend there was a meeting of this association and the guest speaker was HombreLobo, from He is a really big blogger, or videoblogger, and he talks about the trips he´s doing. He´s been all over the world, and has this videos to show. He also knows a lot about blogs. You can see the whole presentation at Agirregabia´s, blog.

Well, Agirregabiria asked him if he could give me some advice, and so he did. As I was not there, they made a video of it. Thank you to both of you! Your support and advices are really helpful.

The first one is in Spanish (and it´s longer, with more advices) and the second one it´s in English.

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